Monday, March 21, 2011


I feel like I have a different baby on my hands. He is not even a baby anymore - he is a big boy! Hawkins is going through so many changes right now he seems troubled by them. He is not napping well and has been fussy.

He has learned how to pull up in his crib and his latest thing is to pull up and scream scream scream. At first I went in and tried to help him get down and get to sleep, but I have had to resort to letting him cry it out today. Man, it has been a long day and it is only 2pm.

After 30 minutes of standing up crying and refusing to stay in his crib - his morning nap ended with him sleeping in my arms. He was so tired and cranky for his afternoon nap I just knew he would go right to sleep and not play any games. I was wrong. He stood up and cried for 20 minutes before passing out. It was so hard, but I just have to let him figure out this new trick and learn how to get himself down and fall asleep. I cannot rock him or hold him for all his naps!

Parenting is hard. Just when you think you have a good schedule going he learns something new or goes through a growth spurt and throws everything off. Life is an adjustment. He is such a sweet baby, but overwhelmed by all that he is learning to do recently. Pics to come of him practicing standing up!

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