Thursday, April 25, 2019

Millie 6 months!

I am so behind…Millie was 6 months old February 11!  She will sleep through the night *most of the time*, weighs 16.5lbs, wears anything from 6 month clothes all the way to 12 month and is very close to sitting up by herself.  She is the happiest easiest baby! 

She loves to go for a walk

We always have morning snuggles when the boys leave for school

She has been eating for a few weeks now and loves it.  
I am doing a mix of Baby Led Weaning and purees.  

Millie and Marshall!  

How did we get so lucky to get this sweet angel?!

We love Miss Christine!!  

Eating Daddy's waffles!

She loves oranges

We celebrated my Mom in Americus.  15 year breast cancer survivor! 

Trying on swim suits for spring break!