Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bubble gum medicine

Hawkins has his first ear infection! We have been so lucky the past 8 months - he has only had 2 little colds so far (thank you breastmilk). I have noticed him rubbing his ear the past week or so, but he seemed totally fine. Then he woke up Friday morning with a terrible rattly cough and stuffy nose. We were in Americus so we went to the doctors office here and they diagnosed him with an yucky ear infection! He is taking his first round of antibiotics - pink bubblegum flavored amoxicilian. You would think he would enjoy bubble gum flavored medicine, but it took 3 adults to get it down his throat! I have never seen him wriggle and squirm like that! Robbie and I were going through Americus to drop Hawkins off so that we could head to Atlanta to visit Bryan. After hearing our poor baby cough and be in pain we just could not leave him. It proved to be a good decision b/c I got really sick as the day went on Saturday. I am so glad we did not go around Bryan b/c his immune system is very compromised right now. Now I have a full blown cold plus junk in my chest, etc. Sick Mommy + sick baby = no fun! Hawkins has been so sweet though. He has slept through the night and only been mildly fussy. Such an angel. His Mommy is the one who won't stop complaining about her symptoms :) Pray for a fast recovery in our household!!

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