Monday, February 7, 2011

6 months!

Dear Hawkins,

I am a few days behind on your 6 month post, because we were out of town - actually out of the country! You had a big half birthday celebration in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic! How cool is that?
You are doing so many new things at this age - it is truly unbelievable. I really never thought about my little baby growing up and going through all of these stages, but it is happening before my eyes. You are so smart and strong.

Here is what you are doing at 6 months:
- You are sitting up by yourself! This is right on time and probably your biggest accomplishment right now. You eased into sitting up by practicing with Mommy or Daddy supporting you, and in no time you were doing it on your own. Now you reach and grab your toys and play sitting up just like a big boy. You have great balance and can correct yourself if you start leaning to one side.

-You have started to pull your knees underneath you when you are on your stomach, but no crawling yet...I have a feeling it will be soon though!

-Just in the past couple of days you "bounce" when you get your knees underneath you.

-I have started letting you play in your playpen and you love it. Your Baby Einstein fish music player is attached so you look at that and play with your toys.

You can roll around and flip over to your hearts desire, and I feel comfortable knowing you are safe in an enclosed area.

I also think it is good for you to learn how to play by yourself some. Don't worry - if you don't want to play alone and want my attention you do not hesitate to let me know! It also allows me to get a few things accomplished around the house :)

-You still love your Baby Einstein DVD's - Baby Mozart and Baby Beethoven. I only let you watch them once or maybe twice a day.

-You sit in your excersaucer and are glued to the TV the whole time. It's not too bad b/c you play with your toys while learning and listening to the music...and once again I can get a few things done!

-You have been eating rice and oatmeal cereal for one month now and incorporating stage 1 baby foods. You have loved every single type of food and have not rejected anything yet!

-You started out eating in your bumbo, but now have moved to the high chair. We have the portable high chair that attaches to a chair and that is working great for now. We might not even buy a real high chair if it keeps going well.

-You love to eat! You smile and laugh the whole time and get impatient if we feed you too slow!

-We thought you were allergic to alot of the baby foods because you broke out in a rash a few times, but after a trip to the doctor we discovered you have eczema. We switched your soap to plain Dove bar soap from Johnson's baby wash and we coat you in aquafor and prescription hydrocatozone cream every night. It has gotten much better now that we know what the problem is!

Weight: 16 lbs and 10 oz (50th percentile)

Height: 27 inches (75th percentile)

Head: 17.5 inches (75th percentile)

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