Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Third Trimester

I have been so busy moving and unpacking I have failed to do a pregnancy post lately! I am 34 weeks pregnant and feeling the weight of this little guy more and more every day. He is big! His movements are getting stronger and some even hurt! It is really really hot ouside. I try to stay indoors as much as possible, but I have to venture out sometimes in this new town of mine! I am still walking for exercise, but I keep it on the treadmill at the YMCA - did I mention that I love the YMCA? I am really behind on belly pictures...I will try to remember to get Robbie to take one this weekend.

Now for some fun lists:

Things not to do when you are 8 months pregnant:

-live in South Georgia
-just kidding, but seriously don't even attempt to go outside during the middle of the day or your hands might burst b/c they are so swollen
-watch the TV show "I didn't know I was pregnant" - that show is really scary and weird
-watch the TV show "A Baby Story" - you are pretty much guaranteed to cry
-attempt to wear your weddings rings b/c of said swollen hands or anything other than flip flops b/c of swollen feet
-research labor and delivery on the internet - there are some really sad and scary stories on the world wide web
-attempt to wear anything that is non-maternity no matter how "big and blousy" it appears on the hanger
-attempt to wear anything maternity that you wore in your first or even second trimester...did I mention how big my belly is?

Things not to say to an 8 month pregnant woman:

-"Do you really need that second bowl of ice cream?"
-"What have you been doing all day?"
-"What have you eaten today?"
-"Wow, you sure are using alot of toilet paper!"
-"You better go get your new driver's license picture taken before you really blow up!"....sweet huh?

Happy Thursday!!

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