Thursday, June 10, 2010

Moving Day and Profile Picture

Tomorrow is MOVING DAY!!! I could not be more excited about getting settled into our new house! Our boxes are packed, and I am counting down the hours until we close on the house and the moving truck arrives. This time tomorrow I will be relaxing in our new house.

We had a little scare yesterday with our baby boy. I had a doctor appointment and had to take a "non-stress test". His heart rate was not reacting the way the doctor wanted it to, so I had to go to the hospital to do an ultrasound. Everything ended up being ok and we think he may have just been napping. He weighs 4 lbs 10 oz already and is measuring 2 weeks ahead! I don't know if that means he will come early or not....we will have to wait and see.

Now here is a good way to end the week. I have been wanting this profile shot if him the entire pregnancy and he would never cooperate until yesterday! Enjoy! He looks really cute :)

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