Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Home sweet home


We got home from the hospital on Friday and man I wish I had stayed one more night.  Note to self: don't come home from the hospital with a new baby at 5:30pm aka witching hour for your toddler.  Hawkins wasn't bad - he is just a 2 year old little boy, which means really loud and really wild.  This Mommy wasn't ready for that.

I also wasn't ready for Gates to keep us up all night for the next 2 nights.  I thought newborns were supposed to sleep a lot?  Poor baby is really gassy, burpy and uncomfortable, but things are getting better each day he is older and bigger.

Hawkins has been really sweet with him.  He wants to hold and kiss him and always asks "Where Baby Gates"?  He does try to squeeze a little too hard sometimes when he holds him :)

So sweet

The 3rd and 4th night were much better and Gates slept and ate better.  Monday we packed up Hawkins, and my Dad and sister took him to Atlanta for a few days.  I hate to see him go, but I need some quiet in this house to recuperate from surgery and learn to take care of a newborn again!  

Having 2 kids is NO joke.

Gates had his first doctor check up on Monday and his weight was back up to 8 lbs.  8oz!  Big boy!  

The doctor said he is doing great.  He thinks he just has his days and nights confused and nothing drastic like colic or reflux, which is great.

Look at those eyes!

Monday afternoon Gates and Shep had their first play date!  
Of course, they slept right through it :)
Aren't they the cutest?

Tuesday was pretty rough b/c Gates slept all morning and then didn't want to sleep all afternoon.  This led to not wanting to go to sleep at night either.  

I should have woken him up to eat, but I selfishly just let him snooze away and he slept for 4 hours! (during the day that is not good)

After his long morning nap I let him play and kick around on a playmat, and I think I let him stay awake too long and he got overstimulated b/c he would not go to sleep all afternoon!  He wanted to nurse round the clock and just be held.  Then he did take a good evening nap, but would not go back to sleep after nursing.  He was awake from 8:30pm until midnight just crying and wanting to eat. we are working on a schedule!  He is taking his good morning nap and I am going to wake him up to eat!

Sidenote to nursing mothers:  how do you do it with a toddler?????  I am contemplating solely pumping and giving it to him in bottles b/c it takes FOREVER to nurse and Hawkins just does not understand.  Advice?

1 comment:

Keri Sullivan Ninness said...

Hey gal- here we go again, raising these new gremlins simultaneously. I have had some success dealing with crazy toddler (who is not in MMO- idiot mama)and perpetually nursing newborn. Email me anytime. Praying for all of us in these sleep deprived