Monday, January 28, 2013

Gates - 2 months

This post is WAY behind.  Gates is 11 weeks old now and I am just now writing his 2 month post.  Moms of two are busy!

At 8 weeks old Gates would take 2 hour naps and would sleep from around 10 or 10:30pm until 3 or 4am and then again until 8:30am.  Rockstar sleeper.  

He is completely on bottles and formula now and takes Enfamil Gentlease powder.  He takes around 5 oz per bottle and eats every 3 hours.  He will eat, stay awake for an hour or so and then take a good long nap.  Mommy is very happy with this schedule!  

Gates is growing like a little weed!  He is already wearing 3-6 month clothes and has grown completely out of newborn clothes.  He is much bigger than Hawkins was at this age.  

Most importantly...he is smiling!  You forget how straight faced newborns are.  They kind of just sit there and stare at you - eat, sleep and poop and not much else.  Then around 7 or 8 weeks Gates started smiling and I am so in love.  He loves to be talked to and sung to and will just smile his heart out.  

His only problem time is in the evenings.  He is a fussy boy then.  He takes his last afternoon nap and then sort of refuses to sleep again until bedtime.  This makes for a looooong evening of getting Hawkins fed, bathed and put to bed.  It might be awhile before we can pass these 2 babies off to a babysitter.  I can barely handle this night shift alone!  

Gates you are a sweet boy who generally goes with the flow.  You love your bottles, your swaddle and your Mommy and Daddy!

Here is Hawkins when he was 2 months old:  click here

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