Monday, July 2, 2012


The time has come to start some major discipline in our house.  

Hawkins turns 2 in a few weeks, and he is very strong willed.  He knows what he wants and he wants it now!  Of course he is spoiled - he is the first child and the first grandchild, so he has always gotten pretty much everything he wanted, but never really acted out until recently.  

Now it is a battle to get dressed, change his diaper, sit down to eat - just about anything.  He wants to be outside 24/7.  I am glad that he is a little boy that wants to do boy things, but we just can't be outside all the time!  He pitches a fit whenever it's time to come inside or if he can't go outside when he wants.  

He hates getting into his carseat or going on long car rides.  Recently he has major fits and I almost can not control him while trying to strap him in the carseat.  He is strong and it is HOT in south georgia.  I start sweating and fighting him and it is awful.

We started spanking early on, but it just doesn't work.  Hawkins laughs and doesn't care.  And he started hitting us back, which is not good.

So....we have started time-out.  And it's working pretty well so far.  Now he understands what it means and that he has to stay in the chair for time out until Mommy tells him he can get out (2 minutes).  If he does get out he gets a spanking with our new friend the wooden spoon.  (I haven't had to actually use the spoon yet, but I have threatened with it and he is scared of it.)  I actually took the spoon in my purse on an outing b/c he would not get in his carseat and it worked too!  

This parenting thing is a rough ride and I don't always know the right answer.  I pray God will give me patience to deal with this strong willed toddler and to also give Hawkins patience and a calm spirit.  

I just hope I can implement some good discipline before baby #2 arrives or I won't be able to handle them both!  

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