Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Raybon household is going on week number 2 of being sick. We have used alot of kleenexs! First it was Robbie and me sick all last week with a nasty nasty head cold. We brought home some sort of bug from Thanksgiving, which lasted a full 7 days. Finally on Saturday I went to the urgent care clinic and they gave me nose drops and that cleared me right up!

The day I finally felt better Hawkins woke up with pink eye! He could not even open his eye b/c he had so much gunk - it was the most pitiful thing I have ever seen! We went straight to the doctor and got him some drops that have almost cleared it up. I thought he was ok and had no other "sick" symptons, so off we went to Atlanta! Well, I very shortly became the worst mother in the world b/c the pinkeye turned into a full blown cold - my baby has his first cold! Coughing, sneezing, stopped up and a runny nose - horrible! He was up ALL night long the one night we were in Atlanta, and I learned my lesson the hard way. That is really the first night in his life he has been up literally all night long. We left first thing the next morning to get that baby home to his own bed.

We have been laying low and recovering and Hawkins is feeling better (but still sick). He is happy to be at home in his own bed in his own routine. This Mommy is still feeling guilty for dragging him to Atlanta for my own benefit, but we all make mistakes in this game called Motherhood.

Feel better soon Hawkins!

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