Sunday, August 15, 2010


Finally a post with words and not just pictures! I have barely had time to take a shower or sleep, so this blog has taken a back seat.

We are adjusting to life with a newborn here in our household. We had the BEST first week with Hawkins and he barely even cried at all...but then came the second week and we are getting to know what real newborns are like. He has started to get fussy and I am not sure why...gas, sleepy, ? who knows. His "fussy" time is in the late evenings around dinnertime and continues off and on until around midnight. It has been tough because I cannot stand to hear my son cry. It is this red faced screaming cry that is inconsolable at times. We are learning more each day how to comfort him and that makes it easier when Hawkins has these crying spells.

He also likes to eat ALOT. I am working on the every 3 hours routine, but he can barely make it past 2 hours. I have to remember that he is only 2 weeks old and not a machine! BabyWise makes it seem so easy...

I didn't understand mothers before that said they didn't have time to take a shower or brush their teeth, but now I understand. I will never make fun of those mothers again. There is a reason that new mothers don't leave the house for several weeks after they give birth...because they are not showered! My face has not seen makeup in awhile...

My Mom was here for the first week and half and we are super sad that she is gone now. Let's just say I cried the entire day she left...literally the entire day. Poor Robbie has to deal with a crying baby and a crying Mommy! I know I will survive without my Mom, but I do not want to! It's more fun when she is here!

I had Daddy babysit this morning and I made a big outing to Publix and Wal-mart - it was the most thrilling things to happen to me all week! Just kidding, but seriously I have been looking forward to this outing! I took my sweet time driving and browsing and enjoyed the alone time.

I do not want the weekend to end. Robbie is the BEST Dad and has let me sleep and take bubble baths all weekend. I could not make it through this season without his love and support.

Thank you all for your phone calls, emails, and prayers!!! I cannot wait for all of you to meet Hawkins!

For more pictures visit our shutterfly website:

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