Monday, January 7, 2019

Four Months (December 11, 2018)

Where has time gone?? Millie is FOUR months! 
(my blog posts are always so behind!!) 

How does she look so big!? 

She weighs almost 14 pounds, wears 3-6 and 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. 

She has started to have a rough time with teething. 
Poor girl has been fussy, drooling and always has her fists in her mouth. 

She is really starting to reach for things and loves her play gym where the toys hang above her. 

She has always been a great night sleeper, but just started getting up a lot during the night. We think it's her teeth. She usually sleeps from 8 or 9pm until 4am and then usually until 7am! 

She starting getting out of her swaddle, so we moved to the Magic Merlin sleep suit and she loves it! The first night she slept all night! But that was a fluke! 

She is so sweet when she is not hungry or tired. 
She loves to sit in her Daddy's lap (and fall asleep) during church or on the go.

We are not on a strict schedule, but she typically eats every 3ish hours and stays awake for an hour and a half to 2 hours between naps. She naps great in her crib, but also loves her swing. It's just hard with 2 loud boys running around! 

Millie still has some reflux and spit up a lot....and tons of drooling so there is always a bib or burp cloth nearby! 

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