Sunday, October 17, 2010

11 weeks

Dear Hawkins,

What have you been up to at 11 weeks?

-You love to sit in your bouncy seat and talk to Mommy (and Daddy!). You coo and gurgle and smile so big!

-You LOVE when Mommy sings to you. Your favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

-You actually like tummy time - especially on your Boppy pillow.

-You love to lay on your back and look up at toys - on your activity mat or your mobile or anything you can look at!

-You have started to wear 3 month clothes! You could have probably started wearing them sooner, but I didn't think you were big enough!

- You are still in size 1 diapers.

-We have started giving you a 5 oz bottle for your nighttime feeding so you will sleep longer :)

-You sleep from 9:30pm-about 4:30 or 5am and then from 5:30am-7:30am. Sometimes you have bad nights, but most of the time you do great!

-You are a really sweet baby!

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