Monday, August 26, 2013

Gates - 9 months

My sweet baby Gates is 9 months old!  I can't believe in 3 short months he will be ONE - where does the time go?

Here is what you are doing at 9 months:

-You have a few baby babbles, such as Dadadada, Babababa, and sometimes Mamamama.

-You are crawling FAST now and pulling up on everything.  You have "cruised" a few times on furniture.

-You weigh 23 lbs and wear 12-18 month clothes and wear size 4 diapers - big boy!  You are really tall too!

-You still take 4 8oz bottles and eat food 3x per day.  You are not interested in baby food fed by a spoon AT ALL.  You can pick up and eat just about anything off of your tray, but you can be a little picky about what goes into your mouth.  You prefer "dry" food such as cereal, over mushy foods like blueberries.  Your favorites right now are broccoli, ham, pancakes, strawberry/apple pouches, cheerios, quesadillas and puffs.

-You drink water out of a sippy cup and love it!

-You are doing really well at night - sleeping 7:30/8pm - 7ish am (sometimes later!).

-I have been trying to get you to take 2 naps instead of 3 during the day.  If so, you nap at 9am and 1:30 or 2pm.

-I do NOT have to rock you to sleep anymore.  You are so squirmy you like to just be put in your crib to fall asleep on your own.

-You are the sweetest thing and really love to sleep.  I rememeber working so hard to get Hawkins to nap and you love to nap!

-You are teething like CRAZY!  And drooling...

-You love drawers, outlets, remote controls, telephones and the dogs water bowl.

-You love your brother!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Frances,

Greeting from your scarf swap partner! :)

So, I already feel like a total stalker thumbing through your blog, getting a sense of your style for our lovely scarf swap, so I figured I'd go ahead and introduce myself.

I totally want it to be a surprise so I'm not going to tell you anything about the scarf (that I have yet to pick out) but I wanted to confirm - where are you located? From Facebook it looks like Georgia? Just want to make sure I am getting the climate right for the type of scarf.


PS - Your boys are the CUTEST things ever!!!! Funny thing - your oldest Hawkins looks SO much like my sister's husband as a child. (I recently made their wedding slideshow, so it's top of mind). I'll have to send you a pic - it's uncanny.

Anyhow, looking forward to it!