Wednesday, July 18, 2012

23 weeks

Baby Raybon needs to have a post of his own!  Our lives have been so crazy that I haven't really written too much about him or the pregnancy.

I am feeling really good at this stage and just get tired during the day, which is normal with a toddler!  The nausea and headaches are gone - hallelujah!  Hawkins goes to school almost every weekday morning, so I have been walking on the treadmill 4 or 5 days a week.  It is just too hot to walk outside! 

I don't have too many food cravings, but Wendy's frostys and cereal are on the top of the list.  I eat a mix of Product 19 and Honey Chex for breakfast and sometimes dinner too!

I remember my Mom telling me my easiest pregnancy would be my first b/c all the others I would be chasing after other children.  Oh, how right she was.  It is HARD to be pregnant with a 2 year old...especially when it is literally 95 degrees outside.  I don't mean to complain b/c I have it pretty good with my parents around to help and him going to school in the mornings, but he still wears me out!  We are also going through a little rough stage right now (which will hopefully pass soon), but he is Mr. Temper Tantrum, refuses to get in his carseat 95% of the time, wants to be outside 100% of the time (did I mention how hot it is?) and has recently started not sleeping through the night OR taking naps and climbing out of his crib - sounds fun, huh?  

Baby Raybon #2 is being a little angel though.  I get a great report every time I go to the doctor - strong heartbeat and good movement.  I am in the out of there fast b/c there is not much to talk about!  I am SO thankful for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.  I can't believe we will meet him in a little over 3 months!!  wow!

My bump is definitely bigger this pregnancy.  I think it looks 2 or 3 weeks ahead.  This is the first "belly" picture I have taken and it was at 22.5 weeks.

Comparison:  I was 25 weeks pregnant with Hawkins in this picture:

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