Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Playtime Outside

Robbie, Hawkins, and I had some outside playtime this Sunday. The weather has been so nice and pleasant, so we took a blanket and hung out in the shade while Daddy did yard work.

I barely have any pictures with my precious son...it is kind of sad. Probably b/c I rarely am showered and have make up on and have someone to take our picture!
I promise to get it together and be more presentable soon!

Family picture!

Love this smile!

Playing Superman with Daddy!

First time in my BUMBO! I didn't like it too much...we will try again soon!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

11 week pictures...

These are Hawkins first "big boy" outfits!
Ready for pumpkins!

He loves to eat his fist
Happy boy!

Football outfit

11 weeks

Dear Hawkins,

What have you been up to at 11 weeks?

-You love to sit in your bouncy seat and talk to Mommy (and Daddy!). You coo and gurgle and smile so big!

-You LOVE when Mommy sings to you. Your favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

-You actually like tummy time - especially on your Boppy pillow.

-You love to lay on your back and look up at toys - on your activity mat or your mobile or anything you can look at!

-You have started to wear 3 month clothes! You could have probably started wearing them sooner, but I didn't think you were big enough!

- You are still in size 1 diapers.

-We have started giving you a 5 oz bottle for your nighttime feeding so you will sleep longer :)

-You sleep from 9:30pm-about 4:30 or 5am and then from 5:30am-7:30am. Sometimes you have bad nights, but most of the time you do great!

-You are a really sweet baby!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hawkins invited over some of his favorite friends for a playdate on Friday. He will be the stud of Thomasville because they are all girls!! He helped Mommy make some yummy Halloween cupcakes and lemonade for the party.

Turner Page and Ann Rense Woody and Pierce Garland came over and we had a great time!
They loved the cupcakes!

Here I am all dressed up in my 3 month bubble! So cute!

Talking to Mommy!


Hawkins and I loaded up on Tuesday this week and headed to Albany! I love being so close to Crisp and Katie and a good half way meeting point to my Mom. She had a doctor appointment in Albany, so we all met and had lunch at Doublegate and spent the day in Albany! It is fun for us to get out of the house anytime, but a special treat for Hawkins to see his Aunt and Uncle! Here he is asleep at lunch with his Aunt Katie!